Right, the poster of the original thread has deleted it. That was his choice and nothing to do with BBP so I've reopened it for sensible discussion only. Any silliness and our moderator (and that isn't me, by the way) has been asked to squash it at once.
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I have observed with interest the continuing chronicles of K7. I simply find it astounding and unbelievable how it is possible the RM can essentially have everything and then nothing.
· There was an agreement in 2013, albeit not signed (which is not a requirement in English law if there is proof there was an agreement) that allowed the BBP to run and maintain the boat but also saw them donate their parts to the RM. In essence the RM would have owned K7 in its entirety.
· Then there was an attempt to reach a new agreement in 2019. At this point the RM had to accept they were joint owners. In that agreement the RM added a clause about only having K7 run if their steering committee permitted. Unsurprisingly BBP rejected that part of the deal but from the evidence I’ve seen were more than happy with the remainder of it. I suspect the RM didn’t want to remove that clause as it was a very sneaky way to gain control, hence why they have since refused any further negotiations.
· In 2020 Ms Campbell ‘demanded’ the return of the boat. That catastrophically backfired.
· Since then, there has been several open letters published by the RM to demand the boat back which detail how they cannot possibly work with the BBP and how they will not mediate.
It would seem that the Trustees of the RM were in the best possible position with all the bargaining power and have now got nothing except the Bluebird wing. Even that seems to be filling up with the detritus of DC’s life and some of that tenuous at best. It is the reverse of a business agreement. They had all the cards and have simply gambled/given them away. In the commercial and business world this would be a drastic misstep and would invite the raising of 1 or more P45s.
The question remains, are the current trustees working in the best interests of the RM or is this personal? If so, they need replaced. The decisions taken have, for want of a better term been ‘commercial suicide’. The whole situation reminds me of the 1990s when the unchecked risks of an over ambitious, risk-taking and driven individual brought down a bank. They say pride comes before a fall…
@Renegadenemo >>> We didn't move heaven and earth to build a fully working machine to let it fall into disrepair so we'll continue our work and you never know, the next letter from the RM may contain something a little more positive next time. <<<
Such open letters are simply irrelevant. The current trustees have proven that they don't live up to decisions or agreements made by former members, they even denigrate former members. Thus they proved anything they just say or write becomes completely irrelevant, because they may change their mind again when the members change next time. The only thing that matters in dealing with them are signed contracts or court orders.
I find this an exhilarating realization: they can swear like washerwomen or sing and dance in circles holding hands - none of it matters.
@JfromJAGs I cannot disagree with your view in any way, thanks for explaining.
I suspect I was feeling that its all falling apart and I would stop watching the restore videos (and all the other entertainment BBP supply in buckets) and try and forget K7. The support from the 'public' does overwhelmingly support the BBP and think the RM's position is totally selfish and self defeating. The RM cant keep the memory of DC and K7 going without some passion as well as engineering skills, technical knowledge and 20 odd years of first hand experience - all of which they have none.
@Renegadenemo is most reassuring in that it would be relatively straightforward to build a replica but he and the BBP just dont want to do it for the most honourable reasons - they want the original to live and breathe fire! As he says "We didn't move heaven and earth to... etc"
I am again hopeful that BBP 'can run and maintain' whilst they 'dont do the custodian bit'
as they posted.
Whatever happens I know that our big blue tin lobster and DC himself would hate it amongst the pressed flowers, toy houses and fairies of the Ruskin. I would never visit it again. The RM haven't a cat in hells chance of ever building it nor running it - even the trolls know this is true.
Now I am not feeling optimistic.
I sounds as though BBP would accept they have completed their restoration and are preparing to sadly accept gifting K7 to the RM. If K7 ever runs it will be under new control and BBP will be history. The BBP will be the cause of any problems whether it runs or not.
The reputation of the BBP and its volunteers will be for ever trashed.
If you accept this sorry state then you cannot do any work on the 'arse end' nor test the engines in-situ - you cannot even post a picture or open the garage door! This is so sad.
It may seem a hard decision to make but maybe you should close the doors now.
Now the doors are closed lets get 2 new spars made and whilst those are being fabricated behind close doors get to work on that fuselage - strip out every 'original fabric' and replace with new material. In this way you can make a reasonable and fair decision as to what you keep and what gets sent to the museum. Ownership suddenly has no importance as its a pile of parts - one in the NE is partly assembled and making a noise and preparing for launch and the other... well, whatever the RM feels it can manage!
If the nose has small inbuilt original material then keep it - but be fair and offer them the engine cover complete - alternatively get the cutters out. They dont want to discuss dismantling so its down to you! They have no access to the workshop to see what is being done! Meanwhile the pile for collection will be growing and the new K7 will remain largely intact.
I would wholeheartedly support any BluebirdK7 (replica if you insist - call it what you like) living and roaring on the water. Most would just want to see a K7 on the water as she was built rather that a dusty and dead relic in a dark little museum with a note that says 'The Bluebird Project is the reason you will never see this machine on the water'
The museum gets its bits, BBP gets to do its calling (maintaining and running K7 with pride) - whats not to like?
Now I am feeling more optimistic :)
To me the future plans for K7 are a secondary point in this letter. As many others I highly doubt the RM has the plan - and even if they have - the capabilities, to ever run K7 again, even if they say now they want to. But again, this is secondary.
The primary point is to obtain sole ownership of K7, which means they want to kick the BBP and especially Bill out - as if they never existed in the history of K7. The RM admints that ownership is still an unclear point and they also claim it's an ongoing process with the court, see point 5. and 6. They think they can win this suit and get a court decision which says that the BBP and Bill own nothing, it's all RM property and the BBP has no rights to run, maintain or even touch K7.
What the letter basically says is: until ownership has been cleared by court nobody shall even have a look at K7, let alone touching. So a complete stop.
Only a lawyer can tell you if it's a good idea to ignore this claim - or - only follow it in case a court tells you to do so. This same lawyer can probably also tell you if there is a case opened at a court at all. Because according to what is known to the public, all letters are so far just ranting and were never followed by legal actions.
To me reading that letter, it reads as we don't want boat to be run full stop. The way I see it from experience of the CN7 Car. We will say we want it run and then down the line, after we get it back say its too dangerous to run it. That's what exactly happened to the CN7 Car. Now for the Ruskin to keep saying they have a team to run it, but won't tell people so they can get behind them makes you think it's just words not reality. If Ruskin were ever going to run boat why put backstop in 2019 Contract, I don't get it. Anyone can say things, but they need to back it up with evidence to prove what they say is right.
I've still not properly read the last open letter - I tend to skim read such things then ask the crew if there's anything new or interesting and I don't really need to do that either because if there is someone invariably flags it so it was no surprise when all I heard was essentially, there's another one.
We sent a few points in reply but nothing substantive. Basically just, do you want to talk about keeping it in one piece or do you want to talk about breaking it up and we're ready to talk when you are - there really isn't much more to say than that.
But today, as I was up and about early, I sat down to read it but I didn't get very far. In fact I got as far as this.
'Consequentially the Ruskin Museum will not permit Mr. Smith and/or BBP to ever run Bluebird K7 again upon the water and will enforce that decision through the courts if there is any attempt to do so during the time it takes from the date of this letter, until our property Bluebird K7, is taken out of possession of Mr. Smith and/or BBP and handed over to its owners the Ruskin Museum. '
Now I know I'm biased and possibly not seeing this with the clarity others may enjoy so please correct me if I'm wrong but does that not read as just pure, foot-stamping, take my ball and go home huffiness?
What's more disturbing, though, is the consequence it seeks to bring about. It appears aimed at spoiling our fun, an attempt to injure BBP but the reality is that we put K7 back on the water after 51 years, got her working and had a great time doing it. We've been there, done it and (literally) have the tee shirts and no one can ever take that off us so if K7 never runs again, to us at least, so be it because we were there.
But what they appear to be saying is, in order to spite BBP, we will make sure that none of you will have the pleasure of seeing K7 run. Yes, there's all this talk of how they plan to run it once their new team has put it all back together again but we've done both and even if they sent their team in today to start breaking up K7 they'd be facing an absolutely monumental task - we know because we've done that too and many of the tee shirts are long since binned after that effort. Then there's the fact that all they had to do in 2019 was sort out the parking and running on Coniston was in the bag and you saw what happened there so based on long experience we're not overly optimistic.
We'd be a long way ahead of them with a new boat but then you wouldn't be watching the same machine that ran on Bute. No doubt we'd inspire a whole new audience with another build because it's 21 years this year since we lifted the wreckage and our new team members would get hands on with some of the exciting tasks they missed last time but it's the long way around for no good reason.
I've long since stepped away from the negotiating position to go back to my Group-B rally cars, the other guys are more than capable, so surely it's about time that whoever thought publishing the above in an open letter takes a step back too and let the someone else sort it out.
PS - if whoever writes those open letters is reading this, it's only a small thing but detail is important, 'K7' should be in italics as it's the name of a vessel.